Overview of the Integrative Craniosacral Series
This a series of seminars for the bodyworker
who would like to use craniosacral
as a reliable treatment approach
for addressing postural distortions,
pain and other issues throughout the body.
By the end of the series,
the students will understand
how to use Integrative Craniosacral
with other techniques or as a stand alone modality.
The students will also understand
how to use techniques to not only relieve pain
but change bodies to be more self-correcting
in a way that does not seem possible with other modalities.
The first seminar starts with recognizing that the students need techniques that blend with their current approach. These techniques need to make their current approach faster, easier and more reliable with longer lasting. They also need techniques that show measurable changes to the problem that the client describes. This is addressed in each seminar through adaptable techniques and discussions on integrating these techniques.
This series also helps students transition to Integrative Bodywork in a way that helps their clients gain confidence in these new techniques without disrupting the sessions by imposing a completely different approach upon them. This transition is discussed in every seminar so that students improve in their success as a practitioner and builds business.
It is set up as 7 two-day seminars. Each seminar teaches the student a new set of techniques that build on the previous weekend. Each successive seminar teaches more advanced techniques after students have had time to gain skill and experience with basic techniques.
Students also advance in assessment skills. This goes beyond assessing the problem of the client. Their ability to assess their effectiveness in performing each technique creates a cycle of self-improvement that continues to help them advance their own skills for years after the seminar is finished. This is particularly interesting for students that have implemented techniques that seem to be well researched but do not work for them as a practitioner.
The seminars are:
ICS1 – Transition to Integrative Techniques
ICS2 – Decompression
ICS3 – Vault Sutures
ICS4 – Facial Sutures
ICS5 – SBS Patterns
ICS6&7 – Sustaining Governors
Each seminar has a detailed manual covering the principles and concepts that are discussed during the seminar. The manuals are appended to each other as the seminar progresses to create a single, comprehensive manual by the end of the series. As new concepts and techniques are introduced, more advanced protocols are introduced. This manual is cumulative so that sections of the manual that are distributed in the first seminar are relevant and referenced in the last seminar. Here is an older video about an earlier version of the manual if you’d like to get a feel for the materials.
There are study groups between the seminars where students can address the questions that have arisen from implementing the techniques. This also gives them additional table-time to practice what they have learned. Most students need these study groups to better integrate what they have learned after they have had some time to practice the techniques.
At the end of each seminar or at the end of the series (as requested), students receive a certificate of attendance and a certificate for continuing education hours (CEs). The Body Guild, is approved by the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) as a continuing education Approved Provider. #451151-09