This seminar teaches the bodyworker to build sessions that are integrative. Here is a blog post where I give a simple overview of Integrative Techniques.
During this seminar, students learn principles, concepts and safe, effective techniques that dramatically change their perspective on bodywork. They learn individual techniques to release pain and restrictions throughout the body. They also learn a protocol for balancing the pelvis.
The first morning is spent reviewing concepts and principles of Integrative Bodywork. A manual is supplied that includes detailed support of the presentation as well as extensive background material. While teaching this material, I find that I am constantly answering questions by starting with the phrase, “You can find that in your manual on page…”
There is a moment on the first day when I give students a simple technique that creates a paradigmatic shift in how they think about bodywork. They release a section muscle by using gentle pressure to release the local, governing proprioceptors. It is easy to see that by doing this before muscle work anywhere in the body, the muscle work is easier and longer lasting. Knowing that this makes treating muscles easier, more effective and longer lasting, most students cannot return to doing direct muscle work without releasing the underlying governors of that tension. Here is an older video of a technique for releasing trigger points in glutes by treating the governing problem in the sacroiliac joint.
This shift in paradigm sets the direction for the rest of the course. The first seminar continues in learning to apply this concept throughout the body so that releasing any muscle can be done faster, with greater ease and with longer lasting results.These techniques blend in easily with common bodywork techniques like neuromuscular, deep tissue, myofascial release and sports massage.
The students learn a solid Framework of Therapy that keeps them on track during the session. Even without the change to Integrative Techniques, many bodyworkers find that they are better able to plan their session to be more effective and better meet the needs of the client. This Framework of Therapy continues to evolve throughout the course as more advanced techniques are learned.
This Framework of Therapy creates a process where the student learns whether or not they are performing techniques well, and how effective those techniques are. This creates a natural process of self-improvement where the therapist gets clear feedback on their effectiveness. One therapist wrote in her review that these assessment and treatment techniques allowed her to solve many problems in the beginning of the session so that she could focus on relaxing muscle work during the rest of the session
The rest of this seminar is focused on implementing the techniques in an effective way to balance the pelvis, change posture, release muscle directly and prepare muscle for other forms of work. The student is usually excited and overwhelmed at the end of this seminar. There is a lot of information in this seminar that takes on greater meaning and integrates into later seminars.
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